CHAIRb Simplifies the Approval Process

The Chicago Area Institutional Review Board (CHAIRb) serves as the central IRB for CAPriCORN-supported research. When you work with CHAIRb, you’ll receive support from the CAPRiCORN “Front Door” team to launch a coordinated approach that spans institutions. CHAIRb uses the SMART IRB platform to streamline the initiation of multisite studies.

As with other IRBs, CHAIRb helps facilitate the research process by:

CHAIRb board members have broad knowledge of federal regulations, and community members actively participate to ensure patient perspectives are represented. Board diversity, in-person meetings, and the desire to assist new researchers all contribute to benefits of working with CHAIRb.

CAPriCORN CHAIRb Turnaround times Convened reviews 88 days Expedited Reviews 33 Days Non human subject determinations 75 days

Initiate a Review

To initiate a review with CHAIRb, investigators must first complete the “Front Door” form for a project and gain Steering Committee approval.

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The Homelessness Project at the scale realized would not have been possible without the CAPriCORN infrastructure. The infrastructure provided working relationships between major healthcare institutions in the city of Chicago, a standardized data model for efficient extraction and linkage, a process for performing de-identified data linkage, and an honest broker to link data without the possibility of re-identification.

‐ William Trick, MD, Cook County Health (CCH)

CAPriCORN is working to improve the health of patients and communities.

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