How It Works

From the “Front Door” to Analytics Support

We welcome collaborating with investigators and others on questions about health in our communities.   

  1. All requests start at the “Front Door,” which is the form where everything necessary to initiate a project is submitted.
  2. Once CAPriCORN receives details, a representative from the Front Door team will reach out to go over your request and fill in any additional information.
  3. Next, your application is reviewed by the CAPriCORN Steering Committee for approval or comments.
  4. Query development follows. A CAPriCORN clinical informaticist works closely with you to finalize the request. S/he goes over inclusion/exclusion criteria, research aims, and will make sure the data returned will meet your needs based on the information captured in the work plan.
  5. Then IRB approval is obtained. CHAIRb reviews all work plans to provide either a non-human subjects review or expedited review.
  6. Once the query is validated by a second site to ensure data output will be correct, it is passed on to the network sites for a response.
  7. Finally, CAPriCORN’s neutral, non-profit organization (honest data broker) compiles site responses and transfers it to the researcher.
  8. Continued analytics support is available to ensure you make the most of the CAPriCORN experience.

For clinical trials recruitment, we can help facilitate the separate agreements that are required to work with each network site.  

Questions about the process? Don’t hesitate to be in touch.

CAPriCORN offers a unique opportunity to explore unanswered public health questions.  Results gleaned from the dataset can have a tremendous impact and will be an important contribution to the literature.

‐ Lisa Masinter, MD, MPH, MS, Director of Research, AllianceChicago