Terms of Use

The CAPriCORN Website Terms of Use was updated on October 22, 2019

Thank you for visiting CAPriCORN!

Use of the CAPriCORN website and Front Door intake form constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions described on this page. If you do not agree to all the Terms outlined below, you should not use our website.

Certain personal information may be collected on this website. The use of this information is governed by our Privacy Policy

Requesting and using CAPriCORN data is subject to network standards and procedures. CAPriCORN data made explicit on the website should not be used to make inferences about health or decisions about patient healthcare.

Users of this website acknowledge the information housed here is subject to copyright. Information should be used only for personal purposes and should not be copied, reproduced, or commercially used in any or all part without written permission from CAPriCORN.

You are free to stop using our services at any time. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to CAPriCORN services if you violate these Terms or use CAPriCORN services in a way that could harm or do damage to us or to others.

These terms may change at any time and will be updated here. The changes will not be retroactive and your continued use of our services demonstrate you agree to be bound by any revised Terms.

If you have questions or comments regarding the Terms of Use, please contact the CAPriCORN team.